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    Project of ecological house in a pine forest

    Villa in the pine forest

    The ecological house is not only a fashionable trend or influence of the West, but also rational use of energy resources, reducing operational expenses for habitation.
    Panoramic windows gives you the opportunity to feel in solitude with nature
    Panoramic windows gives you the opportunity to feel in solitude with nature

    The new project of the studio is a magnificent house in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, made using the latest technologies, according to the energy efficiency standards of class A +. The house is located on a plot of 9 hectares, surrounded by majestic pine forest, and the use of natural materials allows you to achieve a sense of harmony in solitude with nature.

    The philosophy of the project is maximum unity with nature.
    The philosophy of the project is maximum unity with nature.

    The ease and naturalness of the design of the gable is achieved by using an ash mass. We also used a hand-made Belgian brick, granite and rigorous, it reflected the laconic style of the exterior design. Particular attention is paid to unity with nature, therefore, panoramic windows that occupy the entire wall erase the border of the street and the house, not merging with it, but preserving and asserting their individuality.

    An interesting detail of the layout has become a truly large 2-story wardrobe
    An interesting detail of the layout has become a truly large 2-story wardrobe

    The total area of the house is 1500 m2, which consists of 3 ap wings. It was important to create separate zones for owners and staff, so the house was designed on the principle of a yacht. Due to the elaboration of the planning, at the stage of architectural design, in the house virtually complete privacy of life is preserved.

    Handmade Belgian bricks reflect the laconic style of the exterior
    Handmade Belgian bricks reflect the laconic style of the exterior

    Thanks to the latest technology, such a house will last for centuries, and luxury, comfort and unique style will give residents with incomparable sensations every day.

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