
    Restaurant interior in modern style - design and decoration

    Interior design plays a key role in creating a unique restaurant atmosphere. Implementation of individual style and high quality design increases the competitiveness and recognizability of the restaurant business. Competent interior design will create a special place to enjoy culinary delights, society and atmosphere.
    Restaurant design project by Studia 54 in Dubai

    Each project should have its own character and individual recognizable style, and therefore the designer's task is to help restaurateurs turn their vision into reality.

    The main criterion for a successful restaurant business is to make an impact on an emotional level. By eliciting a positive response from the guest, you increase the customer focus and therefore the profitability of the restaurant.


    Criteria for successful restaurant design

    Interior design works successfully with a well-constructed concept. The designer and the customer determine what kind of experience they want to convey to visitors: whether the emphasis will be on the cuisine or on the visual component of the interior.

    When developing the design, it is important to take into account that design concepts change every 5-7 years. For this reason, it is necessary to outline the vector of design development so that it is relevant and remains cost-effective in the future.

    Choosing a kitchen-focused concept will emphasize a minimalist, non-accented design that supports the authenticity style of the restaurant. Choosing a design project in favor of impactfulness and visuals will create a space with a vibrant individual style that will set it apart from the competition.

    In the premium segment, the best solution will be the use of unique art objects and installations that will increase the recognizability of the restaurant.


    Ideas for restaurant interior design

    Choosing an interior design requires the study of modern trends. Today there is a demand for naturalness, simplicity and ease in the interior. A sense of unity with nature in modern design can be achieved by the color scheme and decorative elements, the use of plants and trees.

    Proper arrangement of furniture and zoning of space will create an environment in which each client will feel easy and comfortable.

    A big role is played by lighting in the restaurant. It changes the space and the mood. In our design projects we do not use chandeliers and spotlights, replacing them with track systems. They allow us to create an accent scenario of light in the interior and divide the space into zones.

    Lighting in a restaurant is one of the tools to influence guests. With the help of light you can create privacy of space and competently shade the design of served dishes.

    In the table area, the light should be diffused and reflected to create an atmosphere of privacy and coziness.


    The use of bio-fireplace in the interior will allow the restaurant guests to fully enjoy the culinary delights and interior of the restaurant. The sound of the fire and semi-darkness will allow you to feel unity with the space and completely relax, dissolving in the moment.

    Creating a unique atmosphere is created precisely by the synergy of the idea and visual component.

    Much attention should be paid to the items of furniture in the interior, the selection of fabric and upholstery. Materials should have a high level of durability, fabrics - characterized by wear resistance. For furniture in the interior of the restaurant perfectly suited soft velour, practical flock, corduroy or chenille. Italian velour with a shiny pearl shimmer and leather trim will create a feeling of premium space.


    Modern style in restaurant interior

    Contemporary restaurant design is a combination of current style and design elements, the quality of materials and technology used, and the art of smart solutions that make modern restaurants appealing to guests.

    What concepts bring individuality to each space? First of all, following modern trends inspired by the art of beautiful living. Contemporary style in restaurant interiors includes:

    - Clean lines: Simple and geometric shapes of furniture and architectural elements are important. Absence of excessive ornaments and laconic decor.

    - Minimalism: Attention is paid to simplicity and light. Simple neutral colors and shapes create purity and clarity in the interior.

    - Use of quality wear-resistant materials: Modern restaurants often use natural materials: velour, suede, ceramics, wood, leather.

    - Smart lighting and technology: The use of modern lighting systems and smart devices such as climate control systems, audio and video. This enhances the comfort and level of service for visitors.

    The contemporary style in the restaurant design creates an atmosphere of comfort, functionality and sophistication, making it an ideal choice for those who want to create a unique space for a high standard of living. By paying attention to quality, you create a successful strategy to increase your clientele. Interior design is your investment in your restaurant business. 

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