
    Project of the season – a symphony of ideas

    We live in times when we are surrounded by a diversity of forms, ideas and meanings. Modern architecture and design are becoming difficult to fit into any frames. After all, like technological progress, they are rapidly evolving.

    It is an exciting process in which you need to skillfully combine tradition and innovation, not to lose your creativity and at the same time to create truly meaningful projects. That is why Studia 54 developed the concept of “Season Projects" back in the early days of its activity. We would like to share with you the meaning of this concept and tell you what we have already managed to do thanks to it.

    The meaning of the season project for the Studia 54 team

    Designer and architect, like an artist, look for inspiration in nature and mankind, city and fashion, art and philosophy. To ensure that our team is always on the lookout for these ideas and not stuck in a specific frames of reference because of routine, every month we set ourselves a challenge.

    The project of the season is our team's vision of architecture and design in the cross-section of time, which not only forms new trends, but also defines the ways of development for the near future in our studio and beyond.

    Our signature program, in which architects and designers at Studia 54 develop fresh ideas in their field. This is not just following existing trends, but actively creating them and experimenting with new concepts, forms and materials. We strive not only to respond to the changing tastes and preferences of our audience, but also to shape them by offering original and colourful solutions. You can be inspired by our ideas in the projects of the season and we will realize them in your project. 


    Main aspects of our idea

    • Creative freedom 

    We value creativity and give our team complete freedom to realize their ideas for the project of the season.

    • Ambition

    Our projects don't stand still; we organically evolve by exploring new materials and techniques.

    • Details

    Every element of design is thoughtfully considered.

    Looking to the future

    As in the world of fashion, where each season brings new trends, our seasonal projects play a similar role in the world of design and architecture. They offer a new perspective on familiar things, provoke discussion and stimulate our team to new discoveries and experiments.



    A few years ago, thanks to our attempts to create a truly valuable project, a “Northern house” appeared, where warm wood harmonizes with cold stone-masonry. We started to work with this idea, looking for additional components to make a complete and original composition of the dream. There was not enough fire — we added a place for a rounded hearth with soft cushions. Today this is a real trend, but once it was just our fantasy. In the process of developing the landscape design for our “Northern home”, a garden bonsai came into being. This tree with fantastic shapes is a symbol of real natural strength, that's why it took an honorable place in this project and was liked by our customers.


    Another of our favorite techniques, which we revealed in the next project of the season, is the synthesis of weightless glass with heavy brutal colonnade. On the second storey of the house, the columns are hidden behind glass —so it feels as if the roof is floating in the air. Such architecture draws the eye.

    Interior design

    Each project of the season is an endeavour to perfect the visual language in interiors by Studia 54, where aesthetics and comfort will be harmoniously combined. Our main goal is to go beyond the usual and use complex shapes without weighing down the space.


    In one of these projects, we decided to work with different styles of wall decoration. The challenge was to combine two popular techniques in such a way that they did not oppose each other. The clever use of white classic-style mouldings and wooden panels proved to be the right solution. We then tried using American walnut veneer panels in this concept. Its unique wood grain gives the room an unrivalled aesthetic. The result was an original composition. We are now implementing this technique in real projects.



    Another challenge for us was to design the interior of a master bedroom with a luxurious atmosphere. So, in the process of creating the project of the season, one of our favorite techniques appeared — semicircular panels made of velour. They give the interior a certain charm and sense of harmony, which is especially important for bedrooms.


    These days, we emphasize on creating expressive elements in the interior. That is why in our projects of the season we develop original large-scale installations that become the central elements of design. For example, in living rooms these can be originally designed chandeliers. At the same time, we find inspiration in ethnic motifs and try to organically weave them into modern interiors, enriching them with cultural accents.

    An endless search

    The project of the season reflects our passion and commitment to creativity. We are constantly exploring and developing new ideas that can change the way we think about the possibilities of design and architecture.

    Each project of the season for Studia 54 is a step into the future we are building today.

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    Discussion of the project does not oblige you to anything: we will tell you about ourselves and options for implementing your ideas, and you will decide on cooperation.
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